Saturday, March 14, 2009

The Future of Man?

Is this the future of mankind? After watching the video, read the article below and make your own conclusions.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

A little about what I plan to do with this junk.

These random bits of goo for you will be composed of drivel produced by excess intake of media.  It will include such bits as movie reviews, politics, video critiques from various sites, poetry, photography and various spittle muttered by random go-ers by and why I think it's so damned important to realize the absolutely asinine in life.  It will showcase my rantings of trying to figure out, just as we all are, what the hell we are all doing on this big, beautiful, blue rock, and what it all means.  Isn't that what it is all about after all?  That, and being able to laugh at bodily functions improperly timed.  And thus, maybe I just figured it out before it all began and don't realize it.  Well, I am going to wrap this up so that I can go make myself a White Russian.  In the meantime, don't do as I do.  Eat healthy, exercise regularly, avoid intake of alcohol and say your prayers.  Or maybe not, and just enjoy life anyways!

Love y'all